Clayton le Woods Community Centre
Spring Meadow Clayton le Woods PR25 5LX
Standard Conditions of Hire
January 2023
1: You, the hirer, will be responsible for ensuring those attending your activity or event comply with the COVID-19 or any other Secure Guidelines while entering and occupying the hall and grounds.
2:You will be responsible for leaving the building in the condition you found it in, i.e. clean and tidy, NO Stickers can be allowed to be placed on any surface or floor, if you spill anything you must mop it up, plus the disposal of all rubbish created during your hire, including tissues and cleaning cloths, must be removed to the rubbish bin provided in the bin store by the front gate on the right as you leave the building, if you do not leave the building in the state you find it you will be charged a minimum of £20 cleaning cost.
3: You will be responsible during your period of hire for the supervision of the premises, the fabric and content of the hall and outdoor space from damage however slight and of any sort, including but not limited to the behavior of all persons using the premises whatever their capacity, including proper supervision of car-parking and Queueing arrangements.
4: YOU THE HIRER SHALL IN NO CIRCUMSTANCES permit the sale or consumption of intoxicating liquor, Public music events, or paid admission for any show within the Community Centre or grounds, NO Premises license prevails for such activities.
5: A music license is in force at the Centre for music in a capacity of Village Hall, the playing of films or videos including TV cannot take place unless copyright holders permission and a suitable License is obtained for your period of hire, the committee will require sight of your license and fee paid prior to the event. You must comply with all conditions of licensing approvals or licenses needed for your hire, you undertake to indemnify the committee against all losses and costs resulting from any failure to obtain such approvals or licenses, or from any failure to comply with the same. You the hirer named below shall indemnify the Trustee's of the Centre against all liability’s arising under this clause (5) during the hire period.
6: Some activities will require the hirer to obtain their own Public Liability insurance prior to hiring the Centre, such as martial arts or Cheerleading sessions, Bouncy Castles are not permitted.
7: We ask that anyone hiring the hall to makes themselves aware of the child protection policy should they be a child orientated group, They should agree to abide by the guidelines, particularly with reference to:- Being responsible for the health and safety of children whilst on our premises, ensuring appropriate qualified adult supervision and care at all times. Plus ensuring that all children are collected by known and responsible adults and ensuring that no child/children are left alone with one adult in an enclosed area and being alert to ‘strangers’ who may try to access the building during the hiring period.
You must keep a record of the name and contact telephone number or email of all those who attend your event for a period of 4 weeks after the event and provide the records to authorities if required.
8: The hirer will not sublet any part of the building to any third party or use the building or land for any purpose other than as notified in the booking form or for any unlawful purpose during their period of hire.
9: The Kitchen: Will not be available for use to any group booking under 3 hours. You will be responsible, if drinks or food are made, for ensuring that all crockery and cutlery is washed in hot soapy water, dried and stowed away. You will bring your own clean tea towels, so as to reduce risk of contamination between hirers, and take them away.
10: We reserve the right to close the hall to you if there are safety concerns or any other breach of these terms of hire. If any keys are given to you to open the Centre it is your responsibility to keep them safe at all times if you lose them you may have to pay for new locks.
11: The booking of the Community Centre shall constitute acceptance of all of the above terms and conditions in their entirety.
To book the Centre please complete the following form.
Limited booking slots available weekdays 9am to 6pm please ask by completing the form.
The only party booking times available are: -
Saturday or Sunday between 2pm and 6pm. for Children's Parties only.
BOUNCY CASTLES or any inflatable are NOT Permitted due to insurance restrictions.
Minimum Party booking 3 Hours
Thank you for your booking enquirey.
Please NOTE! No bookings are available Saturday or Sunday before 1 pm and NO Inflatables are allowed due to insurance.
Should you not hear from us within 48 hours please call us on 01772 462420
Please note bookings between the hours of 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday are subject to clearance under the Child Protection Act.
Children's Parties
Subject to availability you will receive an Invoice shortly which must be paid immediately to secure your booking, We do not send reminders.
Should you not hear from us within 48 hours please call us on 01772 462420